Magdalena Stobińska, CEO
Magdalena is a professor at the Institute of Informatics of the University of Warsaw and a leader of the Quantum Technologies Research Group. She holds a PhD degree in theoretical physics (2007), a habilitation degree in physical sciences (2015) and Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale in theoretical physics (02/B2) (2022). She was distinguished with Alexander von Humboldt, Marie Curie, Foundation for Polish Science and Outstanding Young Scientist’s fellowships.
Magdalena specializes in quantum information processing, covering a broad range of high-tech applications from communication and cryptography, through metrology to quantum computation and quantum algorithms. Her groundbreaking ideas have been already demonstrated in numerous experiments at top research institutions in Europe and beyond.
Magdalena is the Principal Investigator and Coordinator of numerous research projects, including European MSCA Innovative Training Network AppQInfo. Her collaboration network covers influential European and international research institutions, quantum business entrepreneurs and space agencies.